Complete Waste of a Week - but I'm Rallying Back

You are always bound to have one of these happen to you eventually. With all the momentum I had on several of my projects everything just came down for a week. As depressing as it is the only thing you can really do is pick it back up and just rally from it. 

We had to cancel three film shoots this week and only filmed one individual shot but yesterday my director and I rallied and now have all of next week booked to shoot, Monday through Saturday. 

I had no opportunity to work on any of my art. But for my Technical Writing course I managed to convince my professor to allow me to design my own personal website for my online portfolio. So I have been at least developing that. (See the image above for a sneak peek of my website)

So today is an important day for me! I'm going to begin designing a new monster print to continue and create a series. I really enjoy monsters, Monsters Inc. is one of my favorite films. So the idea of this ironic situation in which a monster, typically a scary thing, especially a squid monster... accustom to water is keeping dry under their rain slicker is absolutely hilarious to me. To continue with this kind of ironic monster series I will be designing a few more within the next month or so with the ideas I recently came up with. 

And so I leave you to begin working. Make sure you check out my etsy (I just made my first sale!) and I hope everyone has a great weekend.

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