I'd hate to say it but I'm really benefiting from returning to undergrad at IUP and learning the basics. It's the studios in which I can see what I've really missed out on. Fundamentals of Drawing has really taught me lessons that extend beyond drawing and has found it's way into my digital art work.
Working in film and video you really take for granted being able to set up lights, tear them down and reset them within minutes. Within that time you can create several different pictures without having to finalize anything. In drawing,more or less your final drawing is your final drawing. You can visualize and play with your lighting set up before you begin but I feel it's real easy to ignore that step and just draw better or for worse what you see.
This concept of light and values has really made me step back and look at the work I've recently produced. It's made me realize how flat my images really were. And so I've come to value the use of value in my work, being able to create depth and volume. Making me consider setting and composition in my image.
Initially I wanted to go back and add value to an older image to show my point, but all my work is located on my external HD in my apartment. So I created an image used a lot by professors teaching values. If anyone ever tells you to go back and learn the basics, don't laugh or take offense because it really can benefit you. I've learned this the hard way but I've still learned it.